
Amazon Associates program

I took part in Amazon Associates program. Here is an example:

[CMS] Development version of Xoops

CVS is a tool that manages source codes. The source code of Xoop is managed by CVS. I want to get the code ! Here is the commands: $ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.jp:/cvsroot/xoops login$ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourcef…

[Language] Spanish is OK ?

The following are encoding tests. Nací en Kyoto. ¿Cuantos años tiene? ¿En dónde vive? Hatena may hold the text as UTF8.

[CMS] Hanena as CMS

CMS, Content Management System, is my research theme. I have an experience of using Nucleus to serve a small enterprise blog site, which is still exists somewhere. (^^; Nucleus is easy-to-use CMS. The running cost, however, somewhat big I …

[CMS] Bookmarklet

I think that Hatena is a very useful service. Recently, I began to use the service Hatena::Bookmark to manage my bookmarks. At first, I set the bookmarklet, which can help me, to my browser. To use the Hanena::Bookmark service, the procedu…