Subversionでバージョン管理するのは良いのですが, これまでWordやPowerPointなどのバイナリファイルの差分をTortoiseSVNで見ることはできませんでした. それで, たまたま発見したxdocdiffを使うと, それができるようになるようです. また今度試してみたいと…
前から気になっていた, Xoopsのデバックモードのコード解析を行いました. 管理者メニュー -> 一般設定 -> デバッグモードを有効にする -> MySQL/Blockデバグ を設定すると, ページ遷移毎にそのページを生成する際に実行されたSQL文が表示されます. footer.ph…
BLOG HacksのHACK #74「moblogで位置情報」によると, GPS付き携帯電話で撮影した写真には, GPS情報が埋め込まれるようです. そこで実験してみることにしました. GPS付き携帯電話を持っていないので, GPS情報が埋め込まれている画像をゲットして試してみまし…
はてなのミーティングを音声で公開するという面白い試みです. はてな社内ミーティングの公開についてで公開されています. 「これが会社の朝のミーティングなのか?」と思いました. 何か楽しそう. 仕事を本当に楽しんでいるのが伝わってきます. こんなミーティ…
Ajaxが話題になったきっかけは, Jesse James Garrettが書いたAjax: A New Approach to Web Applicationsのエッセイからのようだ. そこで, このエッセイを読んでみることにした. このエッセイではアーキテクチャや思想が主に書かれており, Ajax自身の実装まで…
サイト巡回中にこんなものを見つけた. http://blackboard.sourceforge.jp/ 私が作ったmouse position trackerや, この黒板を見ていると, マウスの動きは実際のアプリに何かに使えそうな予感がしてくる.JavaScript, もっと勉強しなきゃ.
The following is useful information on Ajax. Realtime form validator (Sorry, the following text is written in japanese) Ajaxという考え方が登場するまで, Webアプリケーションは非同期な動作をさせることは, 不可能だと私自身は考えていた. なぜなら…
Ajax is a powerful approach. But, a programmer can implement a very harmful code, I think. To test my idea, I've coded "mouse poistion tracker" with Ajax. Consder the following example code. <html> <body> <script> // Note: this code only works in Microsoft In</body></html>…
The answer which uses MySQL is the following. mysql> SELECT MD5('abc'); +----------------------------------+ | MD5('abc') | +----------------------------------+ | 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72 | +----------------------------------+On th…
The following can be used to check the differences between any two versions. $ cd ~/public_html/xoops2jp $ cvs diff -wu -rxoops2_0_10_jp -rxoops2_0_11_jp_beta | less
This is an ad-hoc solution. $ cd ~/public_html/xoops2jp/html $ cvs status index.php [...] symbolic names: xoops2_0_11_jp_beta: 1.2 xoops2_0_10_jp: 1.2 xoops2_0_11_jp-branch: xoops2_0_10_jp_rc2: 1.2 xoops2_0_10_jp_rc1: 1.2 xoops2_0…
I wanted to know whether the bug has been fixed or not in the latest development version of Xoops. So I tried to delve into the CVS repository of Xoops JP. Here are the commands that I typed: 1. Change the current directory to working copy…
Help me! I can't add a new user to Xoops. I recently installed the latest version, Xoops 2.0.10 JP. When I try to add a new user, Xoops says "必要なデータを全て入力してください". What? I filled all the required fields! This is a bug? To un…
Do you know Monta method? Monta method is a cutting-edge presentation method! I was surprised when I knew the method. It is simple, but really effective method, I think. You should check it by yourself. What is Monta method? Monta method g…
At last, the book, Cutominzing Xoops published by Mainichi Communications, arrived. In particular nowadays, I'm interested in the keyword "security". So, I was wading through the Part 5 chapter of the book. The chapter is about: What is se…
These day, my lab's mail server was not good condition. The server had been freezed sometimes. Today, the server gone... The file system of the machine had been damaged. Fortunately, our important data were not erased. So, we had to recove…
I'v heard the keywords "XSS(Cross-Site Scripting)", "SQL injection", and "Session Hijack". But, I didn't know the details about that keywords. I learned how to attack a PHP-based web application from the web sites: PHP Security Guide. On t…
I took part in Amazon Associates program. Here is an example:
CVS is a tool that manages source codes. The source code of Xoop is managed by CVS. I want to get the code ! Here is the commands: $ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.jp:/cvsroot/xoops login$ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourcef…
The following are encoding tests. Nací en Kyoto. ¿Cuantos años tiene? ¿En dónde vive? Hatena may hold the text as UTF8.
CMS, Content Management System, is my research theme. I have an experience of using Nucleus to serve a small enterprise blog site, which is still exists somewhere. (^^; Nucleus is easy-to-use CMS. The running cost, however, somewhat big I …
I think that Hatena is a very useful service. Recently, I began to use the service Hatena::Bookmark to manage my bookmarks. At first, I set the bookmarklet, which can help me, to my browser. To use the Hanena::Bookmark service, the procedu…
I found Ajaxian.com. The web site has many resources on Ajax. And, I've been interested in AjaxAC: Open-source PHP framework for Ajax. The basic idea behind AjaxAC is that you create an AjaxAC application, which in itself contains a number…
In my research, I use Xoops, a widely used content management system, as a new system. Xoops is wonderful, but has somewhat dirty code. Quarity management is required, I think.The Japanese version of Xoops is maintained by Onokazu. Onokazu…
I have to study English. So, I'm try to write my diary in English, if at all possible.Today, I researched on Xoops and Ajax.
My blog experience has come.