Continued: the bug has been fixed

I wanted to know whether the bug has been fixed or not in the latest development version of Xoops.
So I tried to delve into the CVS repository of Xoops JP.
Here are the commands that I typed:

1. Change the current directory to working copy directory.

$ cd ~/public_html/xoops2jp

2. Update the source code.

$ cvs update

3. Change the current directory to the directory that contains the problem code.

$ cd html/modules/system/admin/users

4. Check the log message of the problem code.
The revision is a key revision, I thought.

$ cvs log main.php
date: 2005-06-11 02:57:08 +0000;  author: onokazu;  state: Exp;  
lines: +4 -4
Fix for Bug# 6149

5. Check the difference between revision xoops2_0_10_jp and rxoops2_0_11_jp_beta.
I added "u" option to use the unified output format.

cvs diff -urxoops2_0_10_jp -rxoops2_0_11_jp_beta main.php

The result is that the bug has been fixed!